Friday 15 February 2008

Architectural Presentation - Art nouveau

Art nouveau

International style of decoration & architecture developed in1880

name derives from the maison de l” art nouveau gallery opened in paris 1896

The movement was also assosiated with arts & craft

Architect – charles rennie mackintosh

Work -
Glass gow school of art – scotland
Hillhouse – at helensburg, scotland
The willow tea rooms – scotland

Born in glassgow , scotland in 1868
Won the travelling scholership in 1890 before setting into practice
Outstanding architect , furniture designer & painter

Brief about hillhouse

Location – helensburg , scotland
Year – 1902 – 1903
Style – art nouveau
Built from local sandstone & rough cast rendered , scottish baronial tradition
Built in wordrobes , walls in white with delicate stencil design in pale green,pink &silver
Strethes west to east

Artist – alphonse mucha

Born in 1860 inivancice , maravia
A well known painter
His concept of painting was based on strong composition , curves derived from nature, refined decorative elements and natural colours
He started practice in england by designing
Campagne advertisement & stage sets
Become famous during worlds fair in paris in 1890 when he designed the bosnia – hercegovina pavallion
He worked in america also
He died in 1939

Painting of alphonse mucha

Architect – antoni gaudi

Famous spanish architect
Born on june 25 ,1852 in reus , catalonia
Status is due to his capacity for synthesizing tradition & andacity of his technical solutions as well as his use of brilliant , unique & creative ornamentation
Graduated in barcelona in 1878
His first imp. Job was casa vicens in barcelona (1883 – 1888)
Casa milla was also one of imp. Job (1904-1906)
Died in 1926

Brief about casa mila

It is also known as la pedrera , an appartement building situated at passeig . De gracia no.92 in barcelona built between 1906-1910, for the mila family
Last example of civil architecture
Gaudi’s finest & most ambitiuos creation , extraordinarily innovative in its functional , contructive , ornamental aspects
The façade is an impressive wave like mass of rough-clipped stone
It has unique roof formed of lofts over the frame of a series of parabolic arches of varying height with marble mansard brokenonly by small windows
This plan completely broke away from the other buildings in that district.

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